The Role of Personal Beliefs and Cognitive Avoidance in the Tempting Ideas of Addicts Who are Under Treatment by Preventive Medicine


Background and objective: Because of the increases in the number of drug abusers and addicts in the recent decades in most countries in the world, expansive and costly projects are being accomplished locally, nationally and internationally in order to fight against drug abuse. Objective of this survey is to determine the relationship between personal beliefs and personal avoidance with tempting ideas in addicts under treatment by preventive medicine. Methodology: This survey is a descriptive study and uses correlation patterns. Statistical population of this survey is the individuals suffering from drug abuse who are under preventive treatment in the city of Mashhad, individuals who have attended 5 substance and drug abuse treatment centers in this city in 2015-2016 (according to the data achieved from these centers, there were 250 clients). In order to select the survey samples, 180 individuals were determined (determining sample size by the use of Cochrane ’s formula), and they were asked to respond to questionnaire items. The applied questionnaires in this study were: Survey of Personal Beliefs (SPB), Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire (CAQ) and Craving Beliefs Questionnaire (CBQ). Results: The results of multiple regression analysis showed that personal beliefs, elements of other-directed should and high tolerance of failure are predicting factors of tempting ideas in the addicts under treatment by preventive medicine. The results also showed that the elements of cognitive avoidance as well as appeasement and substitution thoughts are the predictive elements of tempting ideas in the addicts under treatment by preventive medicine. In order to study the simultaneous role of personal beliefs and personal avoidance, the results showed that the elements of none-awfulization and high frustration tolerance (personal beliefs) have positive roles, and the cognitive avoidance elements including: thought appeasement and substitution have positive roles in prediction of tempting ideas. Conclusion: The results of this survey showed that cognitive structures such as personal beliefs and cognitive avoidance are predictive elements of tempting ideas in the addicts.