Nanomaterials and Nano tube Characterization.

Nanomaterials have extremely small size which having at least one dimension 100 nm or less. Nanomaterials can be nanoscale in one dimension (eg. surface films), two dimensions (eg. strands or fibres), or three dimensions (eg. particles). They can exist in single, fused, aggregated or agglomerated forms with spherical, tubular, and irregular shapes. Common types of nanomaterials include nanotubes, dendrimers, quantum dots and fullerenes. Nanomaterials have applications in the field of nano technology, and displays different physical chemical characteristics from normal chemicals (i.e., silver nano, carbon nanotube, fullerene, photocatalyst, carbon nano, silica). According to Siegel, Nanostructured materials are classified as Zero dimensional, one dimensional, two dimensional, three dimensional nanostructures. Nanomaterials are materials which are characterized by an ultra-fine grain size (< 50 nm) or by a dimensionality limited to 50 nm. Nanomaterials can be created with various modulation dimensionalities as defined by Richard W. Siegel: zero (atomic clusters, filaments and cluster assemblies), one (multilayers), and two (ultrafine-grained overlayers or buried layers), and three (nanophase materials consisting of equiaxed nanometer sized grains)
These materials have created a high interest in recent years by virtue of their unusual mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic properties. Some examples are given below: Nanophase ceramics are of particular interest because they are more ductile at elevated temperatures as compared to the coarse-grained ceramics. Nanostructured semiconductors are known to show various non-linear optical properties. Semiconductor Q-particles also show quantum confinement effects which may lead to special properties, like the luminescence in silicon powders and silicon germanium quantum dots as infrared optoelectronic devices. Nanostructured semiconductors are used as window layers in solar cells. Nanosized metallic powders have been used for the production of gas tight materials, dense parts and porous coatings. Cold welding properties combined with the ductility make them suitable for metal-metal bonding especially in the electronic industry.
Single nanosized magnetic particles are mono-domains and one expects that also in magnetic nanophase materials the grains correspond with domains, while boundaries on the contrary to disordered walls. Very small particles have special atomic structures with discrete electronic states, which give rise to special properties in addition to the superparamagnetism behaviour. Magnetic nanocomposites have been used for mechanical force transfer (ferrofluids), for high density information storage and magnetic refrigeration.
Nanostructured metal clusters and colloids of mono- or plurimetallic composition have a special impact in catalytic applications. They may serve as precursors for new type of heterogeneous catalysts (Cortex-catalysts) and have been shown to offer substantial advantages concerning activity, selectivity and lifetime in chemical transformations and electrocatalysis (fuel cells). Enantioselective catalysis was also achieved using chiral modifiers on the surface of nanoscale metal particles. Nanostructured metal-oxide thin films are receiving a growing attention for the realization of gas sensors (NOx, CO, CO2, CH4 and aromatic hydrocarbons) with enhanced sensitivity and selectivity. Nanostructured metal-oxide (MnO2) finds application for rechargeable batteries for cars or consumer goods. Nanocrystalline silicon films for highly transparent contacts in thin film solar cell and nano-structured titanium oxide porous films for its high transmission and significant surface area enhancement leading to strong absorption in dye sensitized solar cells.
Thanks & Regards,
Nicola B
Editorial Team
Journal of Biochemistry & Biotechnology