In the Aged Stomach, Gastric Repair Does Not Lead to the Development of Spasmolytic Polypeptide/TFF2-Expressing Metaplasia

During aging, physiological changes in the stomach result in further tenuous gastric towel that's lower able of repairing injury, leading to increased vulnerability to habitual ulceration. Spasmolytic polypeptide/ trefoil factor 2 – expressing metaplasia (SPEM) is known to crop after parietal cell loss and during Helicobacter pylori infection; still, its part in gastric ulcer form is unknown. Thus, we sought to probe if SPEM plays a part in epithelial rejuvenescence. Methods: Acetic acid ulcers were convinced in youthful (2 – 3 mo) and aged (18 – 24 mo) C57BL/ 6 mice to determine the quality of ulcer form with advancing age. Unheroic trimmer3.0 mice were used to induce unheroic fluorescent protein – expressing organoids for transplantation. Unheroic fluorescent protein – positive gastric organoids were scattered into the sub mucosa and lumen of the stomach incontinently after ulcer induction. Gastric towel was collected and anatomized to determine the engraftment of organoid- deduced cells within the regenerating epithelium. Results: Crack mending in youthful mice coincided with the emergence of SPEM within the ulcerated region, a response that was absent in the aged stomach. Although aged mice showed lower metaplasia girding the ulcerated towel, organoid- transplanted aged mice showed regenerated gastric glands containing organoid- deduced cells. Organoid transplantation in the aged mice led to the emergence of SPEM and gastric rejuvenescence. Conclusion: These data show the development of SPEM during gastric form in response to injury that's absent in the aged stomach. In addition, gastric organoid in an injury/ transplantation mouse model promoted gastric rejuvenescence.