Ecosystem Exploitation: Environment, Human and Animal Health Risk


Urbanization is principally associated with industrialization that increases the settlement area and creates industrial zones . An industrial process plays a major role in the degradation of environmental health. Every developing country is often seen of having a high percentage of heavily polluting activities and areas within its industrial sector. In developing countries, a double environmental effect is occurring. The old environmental problems, such as deforestation and soil degradation, remain largely unsolved. At the same time, new problems linked to industrialization are emerging, such as rising greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and growing volumes of waste production leading to severe ecological and human health risk . Many developing countries still practice the open dumping of municipal wastes. Such practices have imposed a severe health as well as environmental threat to the nearby residents within the urban areas. It has been reported that various diseases like malaria, chest pains, diarrhea and cholera have affected both nearby and far residents from the location of the waste dumpsites . Population increase has dramatically raised the production of wastes of all kinds . Besides, the unplanned development of small and medium cities/towns leads to accumulation of municipal solid wastes including toxic disposals, which are increasingly finding their way into the very core of the nearby water bodies significantly affecting the wetland dependent biota as well as nearby environment .