Bio agro ecology and importance


Agro ecology is an ecological approach to agriculture, often described as low-external-input farming. Other terms such as regenerative agriculture or eco-agriculture are also used. Agro ecology is not just a set of agricultural practices it focuses on changing social relations, empowering farmers, adding value locally and privileging short value chains. It allows farmers to adapt to climate change, sustainably use and conserve natural resources and biodiversity. Which works with food producers, governments and other stakeholders to promote agro ecology Globally, the initiative is demonstrating how agro ecological systems are vital not only for addressing poverty, hunger, and climate change mitigation and adaptation but also for directly realizing 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in areas such as health, education, gender, water, energy and economic growth. One successful example is the zero-budget natural farming project in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, supported by UNEP. he biodiversity and climate crises have renewed focus on agro ecology, which adopts a more holistic, nature-based approach to agriculture. Agriculture is responsible for about 20 per cent of global greenhouse gases – we need to find different approaches to how we produce food, if we are to meet our climate goals. Species losses have also been unprecedented over the past 50 years. This has prompted a growing awareness, for example, of the economic value of pollinators – not just bees, but a whole host of other animals. Attitudes to the way we do farming are changing, and COVID-19 may be speeding up the process.

Agro ecology focuses on ecosystem-based approaches which can galvanize agricultural production systems while helping to boost human well-being, tackle climate change and protect our living planet. But, for agro ecology to be adopted at scale, it would need strong backing from policymakers. Agro ecology focuses on ecosystem-based approaches which can galvanize agricultural production systems while helping to boost human well-being, tackle climate change and protect our living planet. But, for agro ecology to be adopted at scale, it would need strong backing from policymakers. Agro ecology, similar to sustainable farming, is a scientific framework that integrates ecological concepts and human’s socio-economic system into agricultural productions. It aims to increase the interaction between plants, animals, and the environment for food security and nutrition. By utilizing natural processes and limiting the use of chemicals, it allows agriculture to be more environmentally friendly while maintaining a stable supply of food with the use of sustainable measures. Thus, it plays an important role in minimizing the environmental harm caused by food production as well as achieving multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals. Gobezay started with planting vegetables; she then added fruit trees, and peanut plants as cover crops that fertilise the soil by fixing nitrogen from the air, with the help of bacteria living in their root systems. Eventually, she brought in dairy cows and started cultivating pasture plants such as alfalfa, Rhodes grass, and elephant grass under the trees. The family also uses push-pull technology as an additional source of income.

Best Regards,
Nicola B
Editorial Manager
Journal of Biochemistry & Biotechnology