Allergic Rhinitis and Its Adverse Effects



Indicated as immunotherapy for short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen-induced allergic rhinitis (with or without conjunctivitis) confirmed by positive skin test or in vitro testing for ragweed-specific IgE antibodies

Initiate treatment at least 12 weeks before expected onset of ragweed pollen season and maintain dosing throughout the season

18-65 years: 1 tablet SL qDay; give 1st dose in physician’s office and observe for 30 min for allergic reactions

>65 years: Not approved

Dosing Considerations

Prescribe autoinjectable epinephrine to patients prescribed ragweed allergen extract and instruct on proper use of emergency self-injection of epinephrine

Safety and efficacy of initiating treatment during ragweed season not established

Adverse Effects


Adults (28-day analysis)

Throat irritation (16.6%)

Oral pruritus (10.9%)

Ear pruritus (10.4%)



Kind regards,


Editorial Coordinator

Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences