Advancements in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer, the Most Prevalent Condition Diagnosed

The incidence of pancreatic cancer is predicted to keep rising, making it one of the main causes of cancer death. Although individuals with pancreatic cancer have often had a poor prognosis, recent improvements in detection and therapy have started to have a favourable influence on this illness. Although there are still worries about their toxicity profiles, the survival of certain patients has increased as a result of the identification of beneficial combinations of already available chemotherapeutic drugs. Numerous pre-malignant precursor lesions, including pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms, and cystic neoplasms, have been found as a result of a better knowledge of pancreatic carcinogenesis. In order to enable earlier care of these lesions and enable early diagnosis of such lesions, imaging technology has also advanced significantly. For patients with resectable pancreatic tumours, surgery is still the mainstay of treatment, and improvements in surgical technique have made resection possible while reducing perioperative morbidity and mortality. Neoadjuvant treatment has made surgery possible in a small number of patients with tumours that are just about resectable. Additionally, pancreatectomy with vascular reconstruction and pancreatectomy using minimally invasive methods have shown safety without noticeably degrading oncologic results. Last but not least, a better knowledge of the molecular abnormalities causing pancreatic cancer offers hope for the future creation of safer and more precise therapeutics.