A mini review on “Improving data on food losses and waste: From theory to practiceâ€

A mini review on “Improving data on food losses and waste: From theory to practice”
This article is a review of the article “Improving Data on Food Losses and Waste: from theory to practice” published in Food Policy (vol. 98, January 2021). In this article, the authors discuss the main conceptual frameworks proposed for informing the measurement of food losses, present the most recent quantitative evidence, and sketch out a number of steps aimed at gathering internationally comparable policy relevant information. The quantitative evidence presented by the authors of this article confirm: the importance of losses for perishable crops such as fruits and vegetables, with median losses of 6.4% compared to 2.7%-3.8% for other crops; the higher losses in low middle income regions, with 10%-15% median losses for example for fruits and vegetables, compared to 4%-7% for Europe and North America. The authors also stress that while the evidence on food losses has increased in the past few years, information gaps remain important and the comparison of results across countries or even between sectors within countries remain delicate or simply impossible. Acknowledging that some of these gaps are the result of insufficient coordination between different initiatives, they propose operational frameworks to better integrate the work of the different institutions involved in FLW. This review briefly introduces the concepts, evidence and international initiatives on food losses brought forward by the authors (Chapter 1), present and discuss the main conceptual frameworks that underpin the measurement of food losses (Chapter 2) along with the most recent quantitative evidence (Chapter 3). Chapter 4 discusses the main policy implications identified by the authors and Chapter 5 concludes.
Article Authors:
Franck Cachia, Carola Fabi*, Piero Conforti, José Rosero Moncayo
Affiliation: Statistics Division, (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
Funding By
The article is funded by the Food and Agriculture organisation of United States (FAO's) regular programme of work.
Details of the article release:
Allied Academics Publication will release an Article titled "A mini review on "Improving data on food losses and waste: From theory to practice"" funded by Food and Agriculture organisation of United Nations (FAO’s) regular programme. The article will be released in Volume 4 Issue 4 of the Volume sector (In the month of July 2021).
Funding Organisation
FAO was first initiated in year 1945 and successfully running from past 8 decades. The Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. The organisation goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives. With over 194 member states, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. We believe that everyone can play a part in ending hunger. Over the past 8 decades the organisation had held many events and still continuing till the present date. The article titled "A Mini-Review on "Improving data on food losses and waste: From theory to practice"": is one of their regular programme.
Journal of Food Nutrition and Health
Journal of Food Nutrition & Health is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that offers pioneering research exploring the association of food and nutrition in promoting healthy living. Journal of Food Nutrition & Health offers scholarly research articles meant to create awareness on the ill effects of malnutrition by underlining the impact of food safety and security. It emphasizes the role of comprehensive diet in building strong immune responses to prevent and fight health disorders. The journal focuses on a wide spectrum of topics in the fields including; Food, Nutrition, Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Salts, Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates, water, Eggs, Legumes, Sea Foods, Vegetables, Fruits, Eating Disorders, Healthy Weight Management, Food Safety, Meal Management, Exercise, Physical activity, Malnutrition, Micronutrients, Macronutrients, Nutrition Deficiency, Non-nutritive, Food adjuncts and Drugs.
Press Release by:
Gloria Thomson